The Power of Habits

2 min readJul 20, 2022
Photo by Amar Yashlaha on Unsplash

I set my new year resolutions and never fulfilled them like millions of people for years. This is the hard truth that we are a result of our habits. Successful people have developed the proper habits that lead to excellence. Our discipline should focus on building the new habit, not controlling or taking over the bad habits. Discipline is an effective habit, and effective habits lead to practical results. Conversely, ineffective habits produce ineffective results.

The importance of habit is just as great in forming moral character as in training soldiers and horses to show obedience to the word of command. All moralists recognize the fact that it is possible for men to become better or worse by the cultivation of good or bad habits; in fact, it is just this that makes moral progress and deterioration possible. A man who yields to temptation may at first do so with reluctance. Still, after yielding once or twice, resistance becomes more difficult until, at last, by continuing submission, he is wholly enslaved and has no control over his evil passions. On the contrary, if he had conquered the first temptation, his will would have thereby become stranger. After frequent victories, he would have been so habituated to self-control that the temptation, which had first tried him, would have lost attractive power. Then he might have led his moral will, strengthened by the habit of victory, to still greater moral efforts.

In my book Building Habits, I have explained many tools and techniques to build good habits.

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Written by Pradip

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